Nexsure 1.93 Release Notes (10-12-07)
Resolved Issues
Nexsure 1.93 Resolved Issues
- Correct master invoice process to prevent the branch commissions from becoming out of balance.
- Correct master invoice process to prevent the people
commissions from becoming out of balance.
- Security on chart of accounts, trial balance and balance sheet
tabs are not working.
- Carrier Statement: Adding invoices via carrier statement link in
carrier reconciliation is not seeing database policies.
- Duplicate invoice created on Add Carrier Statement reconciliation.
- Carrier Statement invoice: Entry Method is only indicated on a
posted carrier statement invoice via an unposted carrier
- Add carrier statement: Invoice created via carrier statement is
allowed to post to a department with units when invoice does
not have unit specified.
- Carrier Statement Trans invoices: Unposted invoices created
from carrier reconciliation disappear from reconciliation after editing invoice header
via invoice item ID hot link.
- Reconciliation - Add carrier statement transactions when a
zero transaction is selected during the carrier statement
transaction process.
- Carrier Reconciliation: Posted reconciliation still displays Add
Carrier Statement Transactions link as active.
- Org level - Accounts Payable tab [Add New] link is disabled
when it should be enabled.
- Department - Unable to add department at organization level with apostrophe (')
in name and description.
- Department Description field allows for entry beyond the already
large entry field.
- Include All Selected not graying out when processing a deposit.
- Reconciliations from the Organization level is titled Org Level Accounting
Transaction tabs enabled differently on top vs. bottom.
- Deposit reversal pop-up message for a locked period
inconsistent with other reversal pop-ups.
- Invoice display issue: Calendar icon is missing from Effective
Date field in Add Premium pop-up.
- Radio button missing when trying to select a policy for an edit.
- Wrong named insured pulling to the policy info tab.
- Unable to edit, endorse, or service a policy.
- Unable to market existing - policy cannot be located.
- Accounting Transactions - while entering several transactions
under the accounting tab data for territory used changed.
- Account Types tab: Clicking export link is stuck in processing
report loop.
- Accounting Transactions - While entering several transactions
under the accounting tab, data for territory used changed.
- IE6 add actions screen shows up low on screen.
- Closing action with context tool does not date/time stamp. Closing action without adding message will put "action closed" rather than "no message".
- Actions are defaulting to Open when they should be
- Searching for others not returning results.
- Change action T-log task back to use resource topic instead of
- Policy detail actions tab not retaining history.
- Searching for actions, the actions displayed are
not limited to actions in the branch the user is assigned.
- Certificate batch printing with more than 400 holders errors.
- Using market from existing is returning inconsistent results.
- Page cannot be displayed error when clicking on the List link on an edit.
- HOME > EXPIRATIONS: Some policy numbers are showing up as a formula.
- When renewing policy, lookup not active for the Other named insured section.
- Home marketing menu unable to sort by effective date.
- Issuing company name on a binder prints with a ? on the end of
it - changing to a dash so that it's less obtrusive - the question
mark gives the appearance that there's a question as to the
coverage the carrier is with. This only occurs when carrier name
is too long for ACORD field on binder.
- 202 page time out issue when rendering PDF.
- Fix t-log entries for binders.
- Policy summary sort not working.
- Can not abort pending cancellation.
- Filters for Expiration home screen to do not appear to be
working correcting. Filter for Direct Bill policies.
- Retail agent assignment record is blank after adding new or
opening existing.
- Error creating binder from servicing.
- Unable to see tabs on Excel attachments in delivery using IE6 tabs, available using IE7.
- Accessing details icon for policy level summary of insurance from T-log gives errors.
- Delivery with two certificates sends the same certificate twice. The delivery viewer shows the two certificates correctly and in certificate holder name.
- Attachments emailed are duplicated or not being sent at all.
- Attachments with special characters in name can not be delivered.
- When a disbursement is issued (not through auto
batch processing) the check box indicated "printed status" does
not get checked. Therefore allowing the check to be auto
processed again with a new check number.
- Disbursement - Clicking on any link hangs in loading if going
from header link.
Document Management
- Field merge using group node condition issue.
- Timeout error trying to view downloads. This is an intermittent
issue which can occur when viewing extremely large
- eServices needs to recognize when a previous auto-login /
eService is hung and automatically reset itself.
- Change eServices error message to something more descriptive.
- eServices History option is not displaying correctly in Internet
Explorer 7.
- AIG private client group auto-login does not fill username and
- Work Comp line of business showing up as Animal Mortality on
Summary of Insurance.
- Change request info not showing on printed endorsement form.
- Bop not pulling over some data onto the ACORD 27 and 28
- ACORD 140 - When adding locations, limits are not pulling onto
the ACORD.
- When Hired / Non owned coverage is selected the info
populates to the remarks section of the change request.
- Schedules from the LOB Equipment Floater are populated to
the Additional Changes / Remarks on an endorsement form when
the fields are not changed / edited.
- 127/137 NJ Coverages - Auto - PIP Field does not print.
- Auto-filling forms failed when policy number is over 20 characters.
- Policies flagged for non-renewal are not showing red
strike-through on policy summary screen.
- Marketing policies are showing on summary of insurance and
should not.
- Policy shows updated info but prints old information.
- User renewed policy that had a submitted endorsement on it.
- Do not show supplements for selection on remarket - Only line of business applications should display.
- The Restricted check box located on the batch print dialog box has been disabled. Previously any user batch printing a report, invoice or check batch could restrict all other users from access to the report. The reports would no longer display for other users.
- Need to secure the current ability to see all global reports run.
User has ability to see reports run by another user to which they
do not have access.
- Client Contact - On Criteria filter selecting "All Branches" in the
Org. Criteria returns one branch.
- Coverage rounding report - no results return.
- Coverage rounding not returning information per search criteria.
- Primary phone number pulls in (looks for) the Business number for personal accounts for the report, must be changed.
- Report search criteria is adding an extra apostrophe to the carrier name.
- Details icon does not save all filters when editing a new report.
- Lost Business - Report needs to be added back to menu.
- Users with view only access can post or abort unposted edits,
and endorsements (added modify rights to policy).
Known Issues
Nexsure 1.93 Known Issues
- Reconciliations > unposted invoices created through statement entry pre 1.93 are not returned. Prior to release to production, users were notified that they have the option to post unposted Carrier Statement entry direct bill invoices or an internal script would delete them and they could be re-entered using the new Statement Entry feature.
- Receive payment: Reversing a receive payment with residual incorrectly permits subsequent application of the residual to invoices in the original invoice. Users should not apply residual in reversed invoices.
Batch Printing
- After printing a previously unprinted disbursement batch, the text is left in bold and the printed check box is not checked. This is a screen refreshing issue.
- The printed check boxes are cleared after opening the disbursement batch selection screen. This is a result of selecting a batch and clicking on the print link. Once the selection pop-up window is displayed, the print check boxes on the disbursement batch selection screen are cleared. This is a refreshing issue only.
- HOME > Actions page drop-down does not advance page.
Office Integration
- When updating the OCX Nexsure prompts to restart when all Microsoft Office programs are closed.
- default font does not transfer to Nexsure.
- To import a Microsoft® Excel® 2007 certificate holder list that has an .xlsx extension, in Microsoft Excel, select File > Save As > File Type > 2003 format option.
- The Restricted check box located on the batch print dialog box has been disabled. Previously any user batch printing a report, invoice or check batch could restrict all other users from access to the report. The reports would no longer display for other users.
Important Notifications
- In order to organize a high volume of client attachments, attachment folders will be available in Nexsure v1.93. With the release of v1.93 all client attachments will not be placed in folders. To organize the attachments and give the appropriate security rights to staff members who will be working with the folders be sure to view the following Video Overview Sessions in Nexsure Help:
- Document Management > F2482 (Security)
- Document Management > F2482 (Set up)
- Document Management > F2482 (Folder Use)
- Added security to binders tab. With the release of Nexsure 1.93 and the addition of binder security, any Nexsure users requiring access to Binders will need a change in their security templates. To aid in the setup of binder security, please review the binder security video in the Nexsure help system Release Notes. The video overview session can be found in Release Notes > Nexsure 1.93 Enhancements > video overview > Security > D4993.
- A new ACORD 127 FL and 137 are included with Nexsure v1.93. If these forms are currently in use they will migrate to the new form when any of the following servicing functions are performed:
- Endorsement
- Market Existing
- Renewal
- Placing a Marketing Policy In Force
- Placing a Future Policy In Force.
Nexsure Control
- With the release of Nexsure v1.93 all staff members are required to install the Nexsure Control Add-on for Microsoft® Internet Explorer® which allows for Office Integration and Batch Printing functionality. Staff members must have administrative rights on their workstations to install the Nexsure Control. If staff members do not have administrative rights to their workstation, the workstation will need to be updated by a staff member that has administrative rights such as the IT group.
There are two ways to install, one that requires restarting the workstation and one that does not. If the older version of the Nexsure Control is removed prior to adding the new version, a restart is not required. However, if the older version is not first removed, a restart will be required. Link to topic
- Carrier reconciliation has been reworked to enhance direct bill carrier statement entry. You will see new links, a new Statement Entry method that includes on-screen entry capability as well as on-screen entry for standard direct bill reconciliation.
With the new process, unposted invoices from pre-v1.93 reconciliations cannot be converted. Please be sure to post any unposted carrier statement entry direct bill invoices prior to the v1.93 release. In the event those items are not posted, Nexsure will automatically delete unposted carrier statement entry invoices and the new process can be used to re-enter.
Extensive testing has been conducted to insure that open reconciliations will convert properly. It is recommended that, if at all possible, any open carrier reconciliations be completed and posted prior to v1.93.
- Updates to security options are now available with the release of Nexsure v1.93. Please see the important information in the link below for help in making decisions about modifications to staff members' security rights.
Nexsure v1.93 Security Notifications (pdf)
- Reconciliation security has been expanded to add a Reconciliation Core Component. With v1.93 and the separation of agency and direct bill links, a user must have view rights to the link to work the reconciliation. Please review your security templates after the release to set rights as applicable. In the future, the addition of reconciliation as a core component will permit implementation of additional security levels.
- PDF security has been added. Various print functions in Nexsure result in PDF files that must be made secure in order to control who prints the results. For example, only certain staff members may be allowed to print disbursement checks. With the release of Nexsure v1.93 new security options have been added to control the printing, saving, and emailing of PDF documents created in Nexsure. When Nexsure v1.93 is released, be sure to view the Release Notes for security and use instructions.
- Invoice security has been expanded to break out fees, taxes, and other commissions. Please review your security templates after the v1.93 release and set rights as applicable.
- Policies security has been updated to include a new Modify selection in the user rights templates. The Modify option was added to the Policies right in order for agencies to block unauthorized users from posting servicing items. The user rights templates will need to be updated upon release of Nexsure v1.93 to grant Modify rights to those users that require the ability to post policy audits, edits, endorsements, or cancellations. To provide access, in the Core Components, select Policy. In the Rights area, locate Policies and select the Modify check box. After saving the security, make sure to synchronize all user’s rights by clicking on the user assigned tab and clicking the Synchronize All Users button.
Nexsure 1.93 Enhancements
For a video overview of some of the new enhancement features,
click here.
Please take the time to view these sessions and if necessary, schedule
a meeting with your staff to view as well. Click on each link below for
detailed overviews of 1.93 functionality.
Note: Some of the
videos may take a few moments to load. Once the images appear, you may view the recording from
the start by clicking the Play button at the bottom of the screen.
1099 Processing
- 1099 check box added to disbursements (general ledger line items). Link to topic
- 1099 check box added to receive payments (general ledger line items). Link to topic
- 1099 check box added to accounts payable (general ledger line items). Link to topic
- 1099 check box added to reconciliation (general ledger line items). Link to topic
- 1099 check box added to vendor (general ledger line items). Link to topic
- Reconciliation transaction search filter; have selection of
business type return matching LOBs.
- The following fields on the policy info tab should NOT be
modified by Nexsure during the direct bill posting process -
Estimated Premium, Estimated Agency Commission and
Estimated Other Commission. In cases of partial payment during database posting, the other commissions and agency
commission estimated premium fields on the policy info tab
change to the partial posting amount.
- Direct bill carrier statement entry now allows creating and posting invoices quickly from a carrier's direct bill commission statement, through reconciliation, without having
to access individual clients. Link to topic
Note: Special workflow must be followed for statement entry that requires invoicing of multiple iterations of the same policy. See the Alternate Statement Entry topic.
- Add Carrier Statement: Have adjustment on posted invoice
automatically selected and displayed. Link to topic
- When using the Add Carrier Statement Transactions screen the pre-invoice item ID is no longer displayed once the invoice has been created
using that ID. Link to topic
- Display coverage dates when creating invoices
using the Add Carrier Statement Transactions screen. Link to topic
- After clickingthe Statement Entry on the Quick Navigation panel, the option to filter by
in force, history, marketing has been added to the search filter. Link to topic
- All iterations of a policy are available to be selected in a reconciliation
when adding from carrier statement. Link to topic
- Added the ability to set up actions so that closing a certain action, in turn, opens a subsequent action. Link to topic
Note: A worksheet is available to help map out and plan actions with links and alerts.
- Ability to add an alert to an action has been added. The alert then displays upon closing the action. Link to topic
Campaign Management
- Campaign Management is now available to use through the Coverage Rounding report. The Campaign Wizard can be used in conjunction with the Coverage Rounding report as a means of reaching out to the organization client base for the purpose of cross selling, processing mass mailings etc. Once a client participates in a campaign, the campaign is recorded on the campaigns tab in the client profile. When a client responds to the campaign, their response can be recorded on this campaigns tab. Once responses are recorded in each client record, the total response numbers for the entire campaign are displayed on the Primary menu > CAMPAIGNS > campaigns tab. The campaigns tab is available for managing previously started or completed campaigns. This tab can be used to access and reload a previous campaign for further processing.
- Added security for Primary Menu and Client Campaigns. Security settings can be modified to allow certain staff members access to the campaign functions on the Primary menu as well as in the Client menu.Link to topic
- Added ability to select a virtual business unit. Link to topic
- Change default on claims tab to show open claims.
- Add Goes By to client profile. Link to topic
- Optimized and repaired sorts on client marketing summary and
- Optimized and repaired sorts on client policy summary and
- Optimized and repaired sorts on HOME > MARKETING.
- Optimized and repaired sorts on HOME > BINDER LOG(both views).
- Optimized and repaired sorts on HOME > ENDORSEMENTS.
- Optimized and repaired sorts on HOME > CANCELLATIONS.
- Optimized and repaired sorts on HOME > AUDITS.
- Optimized and repaired sorts on HOME > EXPIRATIONS.
- Optimized and repaired sorts on HOME > EDITS.
- On the HOME > DELIVERY screen a new option has been added to the search filters to help find certificates. The new list is titled
Via which give the option to find certificates that were delivered via email, fax or both.
- The 2nd Signature Line check box has been added to the ORGANIZATION > territories > Details > accounting > bank accounts > Details > bank account details tab. The second signature line can be added to checks that are MICR coded only. The second signature line will print on the resulting checks. Link to topic
- The 2nd Signature Line Message box has been added to the ORGANIZATION > territories > Details > accounting > bank accounts > Details > bank account details tab. The message box can be used to add requirements for the second signature line that will be printed on the check. Link to topic
Document Management
- Add check box to attachment detail for client access view.
- Increase maximum attachment size to 12 MB. Link to topic
- In order to organize a high volume of client attachments, attachment folders are available. Link to topic
- Documents on the attachment tab can be check out by a staff member for editing. The check-out process enables multiple staff members to be aware that a document is being edited. The initial staff member that checks out the document can make changes and save the document. If a second staff member accesses the same document, while the first staff member is still editing the document, the second staff member will get a read-only copy of the document. Link to topic
- Windows Vista compliance.
- Prompt user to close open office integration and attachment documents when logging out of
Nexsure. Link to topic
- Prompt for attachment Name and Description on
Outlook message attachments – prefill with information from Outlook message. Link to topic
- Policy Description field available to pull into Microsoft® Word and Excel®templates and viewable in the policy list summary screen.
- Add security for folder structure. Security settings can be modified to allow certain staff members add, modify, and delete rights for attachment folders. Link to topic
- Added progress bar to show progress of attachments being uploaded.
- Add a message to let user know attachment exceeds the maximum allowable size before the upload begins.
- Populate coverage effective date when new business policy is
downloaded (when it doesn't exist - otherwise, carry forward).
- The following carriers have been certified for the specified downloads:
- Assurant
- Dwelling Fire
- Homeowners
- Celina Insurance Group
- Homeowners
- Inland Marine
- Personal Auto
- Personal Umbrella
- Century National
- Dwelling Fire
- Homeowners
- Inland Marine
- Michigan Millers
- Personal Umbrella
- Safety Insurance
- Commercial Auto
- Selective
- Flood
- ZC Sterling
- Homeowners
- Personal Inland Marine
- Electronic Signatures - The ability to use electronic signatures on
applications (ACORD & Non-ACORD), policy change requests and
loss notices.
- Ability to include signature on ACORD 125 (base forms). To add a signature, navigate to the Producer section of the form. The
Producer Signature option is available. Click the Ellipsis
button to open the Lookup tab.
Search for and select the appropriate staff member to include their signature.
- Added the ability to inactivate a signature once it has been added. Once the signature is inactive, it will no longer be displayed in signature selection lists throughout Nexsure. If a signature is made inactive, any previous documents in which the signature was used will not be changed. Link to topic
- Added the ability for administrators to add signatures. Security settings can be modified to allow certain staff members access to all identity tabs for employees at any level to which that employee has access. Link to topic
- Added ability to use electronic signatures on Word
processing documents (including Excel documents), so that
signatures can be set up within a word template and merge will be
- Populate signature on multiple page forms (binders, etc.
Currently only populates to first page).
- Revision - ACORD 127 & 137 FL.
- ACE USA International Advantage Casualty
- ACE USA International Advantage Educational Institutions
- ACE USA International Advantage Marine Cargo
- ACE USA International Advantage Defense Base
- ACE USA International Advantage Corporate Kidnap and
- ACE USA International Advantage Property
- ACORD 815 - International Liability Exposure Supplement
- ACORD 816 - International Property Exposure Supplement
Line Item Distribution
- Line Item Distribution Expansion - Ability to add line item detail
for employees in the accounts payable screen in order to record
and accurately report producer profitability. Link to topic
- Line Item Distribution Expansion - Ability to add line item detail
for employees in the journal entry screen. Link to topic
- Virtual Business Unit capabilities added.
- Added Save and Add function to all schedules within forms. The Save and Add option allows easy entry of multiple schedule items in one form.
- Added Origination Date field at the policy level. The policy term effective date is displayed as the Origination Date upon placing the policy in force or binding the policy. Once the policy is placed in force, the Origination Date will remain static throughout the life of the policy. This date can assist in the tracking of the retention of existing customers as they are migrated to new divisions within a customer's organization as well as tracking the retention of acquisition business.
- Added free-form field to the policy header called Policy Description. A description can be entered to categorize the policy. This description can only be modified from the underwriting tab and will remain with the policy. Link to topic
- Free-form Policy Description field added to the policy header for opportunities.
- Free-form Policy Description field added to the policy header for marketing.
- Display new free-form Policy Description field when user hovers over the
LOB / Policy Number / Policy Type information on the expiration
- Display new free-form Policy Description field when user hovers over the
LOB / Policy Number / Policy Type information on the policy
summary screen.
- Display new free-form Policy Description field when user hovers over the
LOB / Policy Number / Policy Type information on the expiration
- Display new free-form Policy Description field when user hovers over the
LOB / Policy Number / Policy Type information on the home binder
log screen.
- Display new free-form Policy Description field when user hovers over the
LOB / Policy Number / Policy Type information on the home edits
- Display new free-form Policy Description field when user hovers over the
LOB / Policy Number / Policy Type information on the home
endorsements screen.
- Display new Policy Description free-form policy field when user hovers over the
LOB / Policy Number / Policy Type information on the home audit
- Display new Policy Description free-form policy field when user hovers over the
LOB / Policy Number / Policy Type information on the home
cancellation screen.
- Add new Policy Description free-form field to search screen. Link to topic
- Add new Policy Description free form-field to verification master summary and
verification details.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to client binder summary and binder
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to client claims summary and policy
claims details.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for servicing
option - market existing.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for servicing
option - edit.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for servicing
option - audit.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for servicing
option - endorsement.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for servicing
option - market analysis.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for servicing
option - binder.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for all
servicing options -renewal (first and second selection).
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for all
servicing options -cancellation.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for all
servicing options - claim.
- Add new free-form Policy Description field to policy selection screens for all
servicing options -verification.
- Org level lock down.
- Checks are created as Adobe output. A PDF
can be saved or emailed anywhere so security has been added to PDF files that are created in Nexsure for checks. Link to topic
- Check Security - Check reprinting - prevent modification of
check number.
- Policy header description, this description would need to print
on expiration reports.
- Need two signature lines on checks with memo section. This only
impacts MICR check printing not pre-printed check stock. Link to topic
- Add policy header description to ad-hoc view.
- Data warehouse.
- GL trial balance.
- Accounts receivable.
- Carrier payable.
- People payable.
- Income statement.
- Updates to security options are now available with the release of Nexsure v1.93. Please see the important information in the link below for help in making decisions about modifications to staff members' security rights.
Nexsure v1.93 Security Notifications (pdf)
- Added security to restrict access for printing checks. Various print functions in Nexsure result in PDF files that must be made secure in order to control who prints the results. For example, only certain staff members may be allowed to print disbursement checks. Link to topic
- Added security to the HOME > DELIVERY screen including ability to
restrict view to deliveries created by oneself.
- Security for invoice, add additional resource IDs. Security settings for the invoice area are available for individual sections of the invoice such as Premium, Taxes, and Fees. Security selections can be made to grant access to each section. Link to topic
- Security for reconciliation, add additional resource IDs. Security settings for the reconciliation area are available for controlling the Transactions - Agency Bill and Transactions - Direct Bill sections. Security selections can be made to grant access to each section. Link to topic
- Extend policy restriction security to the client level summary of
insurance tab. Restricted policy will not be displayed if user is
not assigned to that policy. Link to topic
- Interface security for set up of imports (modify). Link to topic
- Downloads security for setup options (including IVANS and
rating). IVANS Security, Rating Vendors Security and Uploads / Downloads Security
- Added security to binders tab. With the release of Nexsure 1.93 and the addition of binder security, any Nexsure users requiring access to Binders will need a change in their security templates. To aid in the setup of binder security, please review the binder security video in the Nexsure help system Release Notes. The video overview session can be found in Release Notes > Nexsure 1.93 Enhancements > video overview > Security > D4993.
- If an Internal Note has been added to a transaction, an asterisk * is displayed next to that transaction. When the staff member pauses the pointer over the asterisk, a pop-up of the Internal Note is displayed. Link to topic
- Updated Search Criteria and Sort fields for the TRANSACTIONS > Assigned Payments view at both the client and policy levels. Link to topic